Years of Maritime and Rail Experience

Port Kembla Gateway and the No.6 Jetty
Port Kembla Gateway is Port Kembla’s Maritime Business Centre. Shipping agencies, sampling companies, stevedores, and cargo specialists are headquartered in our historic office buildings.
An independent company, Port Kembla Gateway operates solely in Port Kembla and our focus is to promote and encourage further business to support Port Kembla and the region.
Since the privatisation of the No.6 Jetty (in 1991), Port Kembla Gateway has undertaken a number of improvements, including the rejuvenation of No.6 Jetty and surrounding buildings as well as the installation of a variety of cargo handling equipment.
Benefits of using Port Kembla Gateway
We are an Australian owned and operated private company. We can make prompt decisions and act quickly to grasp opportunities or solve problems as they arise. Our flat management structure means that, as a team, we focus on the innovative and creative abilities of our people to accomplish goals efficiently without the burden of hierarchy.
Rail Transport
We use our rail siding for handling mineral concentrates from mines in NSW and for intermodal operations. Where possible we encourage all our customers to use rail. With our dedicated operations team, we can receive and despatch containers by rail or road for a variety of industries. There is a large hardstand area available for container storage.
We are part of the Hyrock Holdings Group, we can call on the expertise of a diverse range of experienced executives, managers, directors and operators from within the group who have lifetime experience in running complex businesses, legal and accounting practices, environmental management, construction and maintenance operations.
Efficient Road Connections
Road trucks taking cargo from Port Kembla Gateway to a variety of inland users are involved in two-way truck loading, with other cargo delivered to the port on the return journey.
The road connections between Gateway and Five Islands Road and the M1 do not impact on residential areas.
Environmental Stewardship

// Port Kembla Gateway Can Boast Proven Record of Growth, Expansion and Productivity Improvement
Port Kembla Gateway Milestones






